Cover Survivor

What are the most famous songs by the band Survivor?

Survivor is a rock band that emerged in the late 1970s and achieved significant success throughout the 1980s. Known for their powerful rock anthems and memorable ballads, Survivor has left an indelible mark on the music industry. In this article, we will take a humorous look at some of the band’s most famous songs that have become synonymous with their name.

Early Days and Formation

Survivor was formed in 1977 by guitarist Frankie Sullivan and keyboardist Jim Peterik. The band went through several lineup changes before solidifying their roster. They released their self-titled debut album in 1980, which laid the foundation for their future success.

Breakthrough with Eye of the Tiger

One of Survivor’s most iconic songs is Eye of the Tiger, which catapulted them to global fame. Written as the theme song for the movie Rocky III, the song became an instant hit and remains a timeless anthem associated with motivation and triumph.

Other Popular Songs

Survivor has a repertoire of other famous songs that have captured the hearts of fans. From the uplifting melodies of Burning Heart to the heartfelt balladry of The Search Is Over, the band has showcased their versatility and ability to connect with listeners on an emotional level.

H5: Rockin‘ Anthems and Memorable Ballads

Survivor is known for their ability to create both high-energy rock anthems and tender ballads. Songs like High on You and Is This Love showcase their knack for crafting infectious hooks and powerful choruses that make listeners want to sing along.

H6: Commercial Success and Chart-Topping Hits

Survivor’s music resonated with audiences and achieved remarkable success on the music charts. They garnered numerous top 40 hits, including I Can’t Hold Back, American Heartbeat, and The Moment of Truth, among others.

H7: Soundtrack Successes

In addition to their standalone hits, Survivor found success contributing to movie soundtracks. Their song Burning Heart from the movie Rocky IV became another chart-topping hit and solidified their status as masters of motivational anthems.

H8: Evolution and Lineup Changes

Like many bands, Survivor experienced lineup changes throughout their career. Despite these changes, they continued to evolve their sound and release music that resonated with fans. Each iteration
of the band brought a unique flavor to Survivor’s music, adding to their enduring appeal.

H9: Enduring Popularity and Legacy

Survivor’s songs have stood the test of time and continue to be embraced by new generations of listeners. Their music is often featured in movies, TV shows, and sporting events, further cementing their legacy. The band’s ability to create anthems that inspire and touch the hearts of people around the world is a testament to their enduring popularity.

H10: Conclusion

Survivor has left an indelible mark on the music industry with their powerful rock anthems and heartfelt ballads. From their breakthrough hit Eye of the Tiger to their other popular songs like Burning Heart and The Search Is Over, Survivor has created a musical legacy that transcends time. Their ability to captivate audiences with their uplifting melodies, memorable hooks, and relatable lyrics is a testament to their artistry.

H11: FAQs

Q: What is Survivor’s most famous song?

A: Survivor’s most famous song is Eye of the Tiger.

Q: Which movies have featured Survivor’s music?

A: Survivor’s music has been featured in movies such as Rocky III and Rocky IV.

Q: Are any original members still part of Survivor?

A: While the band has gone through lineup changes, guitarist Frankie Sullivan has remained a consistent member throughout Survivor’s career.

Q: What genre does Survivor’s music fall into?

A: Survivor’s music is primarily classified as rock, with elements of hard rock and melodic rock.

Q: Are Survivor’s songs still popular today?

A: Yes, many of Survivor’s songs continue to enjoy popularity and are frequently played on radio stations and streaming platforms.
Article – What are the most famous songs by the band Survivor?

Survivor is a rock band that emerged in the late 1970s and captured the hearts of music lovers with their powerful anthems and memorable ballads. In this article, we will take a humorous journey through some of Survivor’s most famous songs that have become synonymous with their name. Get ready to rock and reminisce!

Early Days and Formation

Survivor was formed in 1977 by guitarist Frankie Sullivan and keyboardist Jim Peterik. The band experienced a few lineup changes before solidifying their roster. Their self-titled debut album in 1980 laid the foundation for their future success.

Breakthrough with Eye of the Tiger

One cannot talk about Survivor without mentioning their breakthrough hit, Eye of the Tiger. This iconic song was written as the theme for the movie Rocky III, and it became an instant sensation. The pumping rhythm, catchy guitar riffs, and empowering lyrics turned Eye of the Tiger into a timeless anthem of motivation and triumph.

Other Popular Songs

Survivor’s discography is filled with other gems that have resonated with fans over the years. Songs like Burning Heart, with its electrifying energy, and The Search Is Over, a heartfelt ballad, showcase the band’s ability to connect with listeners on an emotional level.

Rockin‘ Anthems and Memorable Ballads

Survivor’s versatility is evident in their ability to create both high-energy rock anthems and tender ballads. Songs like High on You and Is This Love have infectious hooks and powerful choruses that make you want to sing along at the top of your lungs.

Commercial Success and Chart-Topping Hits

Survivor’s music wasn’t just popular; it climbed the charts and secured them a place among the music industry’s elite. Hits like I
Can’t Hold Back, American Heartbeat, and The Moment of Truth achieved significant chart success, solidifying Survivor’s position as a force to be reckoned with.

Soundtrack Successes

Survivor’s music found its way onto the big screen, with their songs making notable appearances in movie soundtracks. Burning Heart from Rocky IV became another chart-topping hit and further showcased Survivor’s ability to create motivational anthems that perfectly complemented the on-screen action.

Evolution and Lineup Changes

Like many bands, Survivor experienced lineup changes throughout their career. However, these changes didn’t hinder their creative momentum. With each iteration, Survivor evolved their sound, bringing fresh perspectives and new flavors to their music while maintaining their signature style.

Enduring Popularity and Legacy

Survivor’s songs have endured the test of time and continue to resonate with audiences today. Their music has become timeless, often finding its way into popular culture through various mediums. Whether it’s through movies, TV shows, or sporting events, Survivor’s anthems remain an integral part of our collective musical landscape.


Survivor has etched their name into the annals of rock music history with their powerful anthems, memorable ballads, and enduring popularity. From the iconic Eye of the Tiger to the captivating melodies of Burning Heart and the emotional depth of The Search Is Over, Survivor’s songs have left an indelible mark on listeners worldwide. Their ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level and inspire them with their music is a testament to their artistry and the lasting legacy they have created.


Q: What is Survivor’s most famous song?

A: Survivor’s most famous song is Eye of the Tiger, which became an international sensation and a symbol of motivation and triumph.

Q: Which movies have featured Survivor’s music?

A: Survivor’s music has been prominently featured in movies such as Rocky III and Rocky IV.

Q: Are any of the original members still part of Survivor?

A: While Survivor has gone through lineup changes over the years, guitarist Frankie Sullivan has remained a consistent member throughout the band’s career.

Q: What genre does Survivor’s music fall into?

A: Survivor’s music is primarily classified as rock, with elements of hard rock and melodic rock.

Q: Are Survivor’s songs still popular today?

A: Absolutely! Many of Survivor’s songs continue to enjoy popularity and are regularly played on radio stations and streaming platforms, reminding us of their timeless appeal.

Remember to embrace the uplifting anthems and heartfelt ballads of Survivor and let their music inspire you to keep going, rise above challenges, and reach for the top. Let the Eye of the Tiger guide you on your journey!