Cover Of Montreal

What are the most famous songs by the band Of Montreal?


Welcome to the whimsical world of Of Montreal, a band known for their eclectic sound and imaginative songwriting. In this article, we’ll take a delightful journey through their most famous songs that have captivated audiences with their infectious melodies and clever lyrics. From the introspective and introspective Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? to the vibrant and energetic Gronlandic Edit, Of Montreal has created a discography that is as diverse as it is enchanting. So, let’s dive in and explore some of their most beloved tracks.

1. Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?

Prepare yourself for a sonic adventure with the title track from Of Montreal’s album Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? This song showcases the band’s ability to seamlessly blend catchy pop hooks with introspective and existential lyrics. With its pulsating rhythms and frontman Kevin Barnes‘ distinctive vocals, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? sets the stage for the musical journey that awaits.

2. The Past Is a Grotesque Animal

The Past Is a Grotesque Animal is a sprawling epic that clocks in at over 12 minutes, but every second is worth it. This emotionally charged track showcases Of Montreal’s penchant for intricate song structures and deeply personal storytelling. The song builds and evolves, taking listeners on a rollercoaster of emotions as Barnes reflects on past relationships and personal struggles.

3. Gronlandic Edit

If you’re in need of a burst of infectious energy, Gronlandic Edit is the perfect pick-me-up. This upbeat and danceable track combines catchy melodies with thought-provoking lyrics that touch on themes of identity and spirituality. The song’s joyful spirit and irresistible hooks make it an instant favorite among fans and a staple of their live performances.

4. Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games

Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games is a whimsical and playful song that showcases Of Montreal’s ability to create vivid imagery through their music. The track features whimsical lyrics and a bouncy, synth-driven sound that will transport you to a dreamlike world. It’s a prime example of the band’s knack for crafting catchy pop songs with a twist.

5. Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse

Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse is a sonic tapestry that weaves together layers of instruments and vocals into a captivating blend of sound. This track exemplifies Of Montreal’s experimental approach to music, pushing boundaries and creating a unique sonic experience. With its infectious
grooves and infectious melodies, Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse has become a fan favorite and a staple of their live performances.

6. Bunny Ain’t No Kind of Rider

Bunny Ain’t No Kind of Rider showcases Of Montreal’s ability to combine catchy hooks with thought-provoking lyrics. The song’s infectious pop sensibility masks deeper themes of self-reflection and personal growth. With its energetic rhythm and sing-along chorus, it’s a track that will have you tapping your feet and pondering life’s complexities at the same time.

7. Suffer for Fashion

Prepare yourself for a musical whirlwind with Suffer for Fashion. This high-energy track combines elements of punk, glam rock, and synth-pop to create a frenetic and exhilarating listening experience. It’s a song that embodies the band’s fearless and boundary-pushing approach to music, leaving listeners craving more.

8. Coquet Coquette

Coquet Coquette is a perfect blend of catchy hooks and edgy rock vibes. The song’s infectious energy and Barnes‘ commanding vocals make it an instant standout. With its driving guitar riffs and anthemic chorus, it’s a track that will have you singing along and rocking out in no time.

9. An Eluardian Instance

An Eluardian Instance is a delightful concoction of pop sensibility and lyrical depth. The song’s infectious melodies and charming harmonies draw you in, while the introspective lyrics invite contemplation. It’s a testament to Of Montreal’s ability to create songs that are both accessible and thought-provoking.

10. Disconnect the Dots

Disconnect the Dots is a sonic explosion that demands your attention from the first note. This high-energy track combines elements of indie rock and dance-pop, resulting in a catchy and electrifying listening experience. The song’s infectious hooks and driving rhythms will have you moving and grooving along in no time.

11. The Party’s Crashing Us

The Party’s Crashing Us is a celebration of life’s chaos and spontaneity. With its infectious energy and sing-along chorus, it’s a track that will make you want to join the party and let loose. The song’s playful lyrics and upbeat instrumentation create a joyful atmosphere that captures the essence of Of Montreal’s music.

12. A Sentence of Sorts in Kongsvinger

A Sentence of Sorts in Kongsvinger is a sonic journey that takes listeners on a whirlwind of emotions. The song’s dynamic shifts and intricate arrangements keep you engaged from start to finish. It’s a track that showcases the band’s ability to create music that is both introspective and sonically captivating.

13. Id Engager

Id Engager is a catchy and vibrant track that combines elements of indie pop and psychedelic rock. The song’s infectious melodies and playful lyrics make it an instant favorite. With its upbeat tempo and infectious hooks, it’s a song that will have you dancing and singing along in no time.

14. Oslo in the Summertime

Oslo in the Summertime is a breezy and sunny track that transports you to warm summer days. The song’s laid-back vibe and infectious melodies create a sense of relaxation and bliss. It’s a perfect tune for lazy days by the beach or road trips with friends.

15. Gallery Piece

Gallery Piece is a dreamy and introspective track that showcases Of Montreal’s ability to create atmospheric and evocative music. The song’s lush instrumentation and poetic lyrics create a sense of depth and complexity. It’s a track that
will envelop you in its ethereal beauty and leave you lost in introspection.


In this whimsical journey through the most famous songs by the band Of Montreal, we’ve explored a diverse range of tracks that showcase their unique musical style and lyrical depth. From the introspective and introspective Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? to the infectious energy of Gronlandic Edit and the dreamy ambiance of Gallery Piece, Of Montreal has consistently pushed boundaries and captivated audiences with their imaginative and thought-provoking music.

Their ability to seamlessly blend catchy pop hooks with introspective lyrics is a testament to their artistic vision and musical craftsmanship. Each song takes listeners on a sonic adventure, inviting them to explore the depths of emotion, contemplate life’s complexities, and embrace the joyous moments of existence.

Whether you’re a longtime fan or discovering Of Montreal for the first time, their discography offers a treasure trove of musical gems waiting to be explored. So, plug in your headphones, turn up the volume, and let the enchanting melodies and poetic storytelling of Of Montreal transport you to a world of musical wonder.


1. Are these the only famous songs by Of Montreal?

While the songs mentioned in this article are considered among the band’s most famous and beloved, Of Montreal has a vast discography with many other noteworthy tracks. Exploring their complete catalog will introduce you to even more musical gems and hidden treasures.

2. What genre does Of Montreal belong to?

Of Montreal’s music is often categorized as indie pop, indie rock, or psychedelic pop. However, their sound is difficult to define as they often experiment with various genres and incorporate elements of funk, glam rock, and electronic music into their songs.

3. Do the lyrics of Of Montreal’s songs have deeper meanings?

Yes, the lyrics of Of Montreal’s songs often delve into introspective and existential themes. Frontman Kevin Barnes is known for his poetic and thought-provoking lyrics, which invite listeners to reflect on personal experiences, relationships, and the human condition.

4. Are Of Montreal’s live performances as energetic as their recorded music?

Absolutely! Of Montreal is renowned for their high-energy live shows, which feature elaborate stage setups, vibrant costumes, and lively performances. Attending one of their concerts is an immersive experience that showcases their passion for music and their desire to create a memorable and engaging performance.

5. Can you recommend other albums to explore by Of Montreal?

Certainly! In addition to the songs mentioned in this article, you might enjoy exploring albums such as Satanic Panic in the Attic, Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?, The Sunlandic Twins, and Paralytic Stalks. Each album offers a unique musical journey and showcases different facets of Of Montreal’s artistic expression.

Remember, the world of Of Montreal is filled with sonic adventures and captivating melodies, so don’t hesitate to dive deeper into their discography and discover the magic that awaits.

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